A total of 5 high contrast and marbled Ryuoh stones were chosen to create this layout. The juxtaposition of the stone angles maximize depth and allow for aquatic plants such as mosses to be planted between the gaps. A simple island look can be recreated by using plants such as Christmas Moss between the stones and Hairgrass in the background.
Modeled after a 4 gallon nano cube tank.
Save $30 by selecting the QUICK SCAPE TANK package option!Save $50 by selecting the STONES FULL AQUARIUM KIT package option! Package Includes:
UNS Rimless Cube Glass Aquarium Tank with black leveling mat
Azoo Mignon Filter
UP Aqua PRO LED Light
4lb bag of UP Aqua substrate
Quick Scape 011 stones
Glass Aqua Quick Scapes are what you see is what you get planted tank rock and wood hardscape layouts that are made ready for a variety of standard aquarium sizes.